30 March 2011

Above are the before pics with some added lines. The lines are true vertical and horizontal. The front picture is slightly off in camera angle, but not by much. Of notice is how jacked my alignment is. My right leg is hugely developed compared to left and my spine is far from straight. This would be an interesting thing for anyone to do. Take a pic and add some lines. You would be shocked at what you see.

28 March 2011


Well, to no surprise, this is becoming a big problem for a few reasons. Here are the problems and possible solutions:

Problem 1: My right side is falling apart. My right heel, my right foot, my right shoulder. And all of this is recent. I have no idea why, which for me and my profession, is nothing short of tragic.

Solution 1: Attack the weaknesses, everything is awkward. All training needs to be awkward, challenging, and usually involving one limb from here on out. This is a big issue as far as maintaining strength. Its hard to lift heavy on one leg, but I think it will transfer well.

Problem 2: My right foot hurts. Mentioned above but of note for a whole different reason. I kind of sort of need to run 30 miles on it. Its the second metatarsal and I think its the plantar fascia sheath that is under stress from an underdeveloped soleus. Blah blah blah right.

Solution 2: Stretch, a lot. Foam roll. Big movements. Run more frequently. As a matter of course, I rarely stretch or recover in anyway. That needs to change. An injury at any time would be devastating.

Problem 3: Life. It does not seem to care that I am trying to run 30 miles in two months. Dogs need walking, clients need to be trained, laundry piles up, and dishes need to be cleaned. This all takes time. Yes, I know that I have no kids, so I fully bow in humility and admiration for those of you that do and still find the time. Perhaps when I do 40 on 40 I will have kids and need to train, giving me more street cred . . .

Solution 3: Plan everything. I need to plan every workout, recovery session, and hopefully meals. Calendar to come, figuring out how to put it online.

Problem 4: Motivation. Why the hell am I doing this? What am I proving?

Solution 4: None. Its a rough day.


Work up to max Box jump. 42" with no lead. 44" with one step lead.
Light squats 3 x 3
Pistol squats to 18" with straps. 5 x 5
Fat bar deadlifts all x 3. 225, 255, 245, 225, 225

22 March 2011

The Big Lifts

Today was a brutal day. Stayed up too late playing video games, didn't drink enough water, didn't eat a good breakfast, didn't foam roll, just didn't take it seriously. I have lifted more than all of these weights, but these are the numbers. It was a very humbling experience and a lesson in how important recovery is. Numbers in paranthases are the most I have lifted before.

Squat - 245 (255)
Deadlift - 315 (405, but with some sloppy form)
Press - 145 (155)

A depressing showing and completely exhausting. Off to foam roll.

Second Run

O'Hartford 5k on Sunday the 20th. About 28 minutes.

Still sore from the first run. Felt great at the end. Really opened up for a good sprint. Lots of "Hey .. that guys barefoot!" comments. A fun race, lots of green.

17 March 2011

First Run

My first run was today 3/17/11, and was appropriately with Brian A. More appropriately we ended up wading through freezing cold water due to the flooding of the snow. It was the typical Founders Bridge 3.1 mile loop. Immediately we picked up a client of his and preceded to do the following workout. Needless to say I am toast and extremely hungry. Currently off to eat my second dinner.

3-hill/stair spritints for time
20 push ups
50 leg up crunches
1min rest
Repeat the circuit 3x
Finish with 1/2mile cool down jog

30 on 30

Well, this is the beginning. I have already started training. The big flyer is to follow, but I don't want to forget what I have already done. Here are the before pictures, taken 3/9/11. Of notice is the elevated left shoulder, over developed left calf, and slight curvature of the spine leading to an elevated hip.

Shortly thereafter I proceeded to do my first workout, courtesy of Jon D. It will be a good part of my training and will be called Core Killer from here on out (his name).

Step up with knee lift on 12". 10 each leg, 3 rounds non stop.
Hamstring bridge on ball, Ham curl on ball, Ham bridge with toes only. 15 each non stop.
Single leg contralateral balance reach to 10" cone. 3 x 10 each leg non stop
Single leg ipsilateral KB press at 12 - 8k. 15 each, non stop
Single arm Bent Over Row 8k, 15 each side, non stop
Single arm fly on SB @ 20 - 15#, 10 each side, non stop
Tricep Extension 15 - 10 pounds, Single leg alternating hammer curl. Superset. 3 rounds non stop.