27 September 2010


Row 6000 m
Run 3 miles BF w/ Kasi
300 Workout as rx'd.  32:14


Row 8000m

25 Lunges
20 TRX Rows
50 Box Jumps @ 12"
20 Weighted Jumps @ 10# x 2
25 Dips on 12"
20 Hanging Knee Raise
30 Swings @ 16k
30 Situps w/ Reach
20 Push Pr @ 10# x 2
25 Back Ext on Ball

Bill C - 18:15

The Seven - Seven rounds of 7 reps of each

SP Pr @ 45#
Thrusters @ 55#
Hanging SL Raise
Deadlift @ 135#
Burpees (Split @ 4)
Chinups (+)

Dan G - 5 rounds.  26:45.  End for time.

Warm up with TRX for 15'

25 Lunges
40 Bandit Loop Rows
50 Box Jumps @ 12"
20 Weighted Jumps @ 10# x 2
25 Dips on 12"
20 Hanging SL Raise
30 Swings @ 16k
30 Situps w/ Reach
20 Push Pr @ 10# x 2
25 Back Ext on Ball
30 Wall Ball @ 6#

Gulen T - 27:21


Training Day

Row 2000 meters
Balance on Bosu
Squat, Lunge, Good Morning @ 20#, SL Deadlift @ 40#, Gob Sqt @ 16k x 10

10 x FS @ 40#
10 x Tube Sprints w/Orange
1' Rest
4 Rounds

8 x Lunge w/ 8k x 2
10 x Tube Sprints w/Orange
:30 rest
2 Rounds

Deb S - End for time

22 September 2010


3.5 mile run BF.  35:25

25 Lunges
20 Chinups
20 weighted Jumps 10# x 2
20 Ring dips w/feet on ground
20 Hanging straight leg raises
30 Swings @ 20k
30 Situps w/ Reach
20 Hangcleans with 20# DB x 2
25 Back Extensions
End for Time

Gregg L - 22:00

Row 3556 meters in about 15 minutes

The Seven - 7 rounds with 7 reps each exercise
Slosh Pipe Presses @ 26#
Thrusters @ 55#
Hanging SL Raise
Deadlift @ 135#
Squat Thrust
Swings @ 20k

Tony S - 3 rounds (basically failure).  25:25

TRX Class.  50% participation.

The Seven - 7 rounds with 7 reps each exercise
Slosh Pipe Presses @ 45#
Push Pr @ 55#
Hanging Knee Raise
Deadlift @ 12k x 2
Squat Thrust
Swings @ 12k
Bandit Loop Inverted Row w/ assist
End for Time

Peter D - 5 rounds. 21:35

21 September 2010


Realize I no longer own solo cups. I think I might be grown up now.  Up the river down the river with Jacobs.  He shotguns two beers after adding it to the river (his idea) and then boots all over my sink.  Head to Half Door.  Pretty boring.


The Big E

Excessive calories.  Apple pie with cabot cheese is amazing.  As is pumpkin ricotta ravioli.


All done by Q

Run 2.75 Miles BF with Kasi.  30 minutes

Deadlift x 3 (trap bar for trap elongation)
Maximum Handstand Push Ups
5 Rounds
315/8, 225/5, 275/5, 225 (strict form)/2 (fell), 275/3 (fell)

GymJones 18/09/10 (heavily modified)

1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+ 
30x Ball Slam @ 12# + 
1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+ 30x Wall Ball @ 15# + 
1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+ 12m Lunge + 
1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+ 20 x KB Swing @ 2 x 16k + 
1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+  
30 x Atomic Sit-up w/20# BB+ 
1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+  
30x Push Press @ 2 x 16k KB + 
1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+ 30x Air Squat + 
1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+ 10x each arm Single arm OHS @ 16k 
1x Rope Pull @ 45# Sled+ 


Run 1/11 Mile
30 Box Jumps onto one riser
30 Wall Ball with 8# to 10'

Wilson O - 24:44

"Arnie" Modified
21 x 5# DB TGU Right arm
50 x Kb Swings @12k
21 x 8k OH Sqt Left arm
50 x Kb Swings @12k
21 x 8k OH Sqt Right arm
50 x Kb Swings @ 12k
21 x 5# DB TGU Left arm

Lynn R - 16:00

Manish P - Prepare Breakfast before bed.  No bread or pasta for lunch.  No sodas at all.  Discussed how to shop at grocery store.  Avoid high fructose corn syrup as much as possible.

TRX 10 minutes.  45 - 30 second work time
Single Leg Javorek Complex #1, 10 reps each
"Arnie" Modified
21 x 8k TGU Right arm
50 x Kb Swings @12k
21 x 8k OH Sqt Left arm
50 x Kb Swings @12k
21 x 8k OH Sqt Right arm
50 x Kb Swings @ 12k
21 x 8k TGU Left arm

Charlie R - 19:30
Charlie increased simple carbohydrate intake for lunch and snack at 3 - 4.  
Burn - Outside
Rotating pushups to box, jumps on stairs, suicides, lots of planks

16 September 2010

Barefoot Running Video

Good barefoot video! No experience with the shoes (who needs em?) but a good tutorial.


" The Seven" Modified

Seven rounds for time of:
7 Slosh Pipe Presses @ 25#
20# DB x 2 Thruster, 7 reps
7 Knees to elbows
55# pound SL Deadlift, 4 each
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings, 16k
7 Chin ups

Gregg L.  3 rounds + 7 knees to elbows (Out of Time).  17:23

AOS 5 x5 Challenge

Clean and Press 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 @ 12k
Pullups 5 down to 1
Pushups x 10
OH Squat x 10 @ 16# Slosh Pipe
KB Swings @ 20k x 20

Fernando.  3 rounds (Out of Time).  17:25

15 September 2010

The Beginning

No idea where this is going.  Credit to Dave Lipson for inspring me to create a blog.  Perhaps I will do my own 365 days of something in the future.

An easy start.  The workout:

Run BF about 3 miles in 30 minutes
Small break
Row 10027m in 48:07 (aweful experience)
Run 1.5 miles

Peter Dunn in "Kelly".  18" box.  15# ball.  27ish (Didnt stop on time).