5/23 - Basically back to normal and the weather seems to be opening up. Take another rest day.
5/22 – Raining again. Both myself and the dogs are getting cabin fever. I know that there are runner’s out there that run regardless of weather, but, here is the thing. I am not a runner. I run for clarity and I run for postural balance and I run because everyone needs to be able to run. I do not wake up at 4:30 and pound out the miles. I do not measure my week by the amount of miles I have ran. What I really like to do is “pick things up and put them down.” But, to that effect, running is wonderfully honest. You can’t cheat running like you can cheat other forms of fitness. I can get a great workout done in 20 minutes or less that increases my cardiovascular endurance, my strength, and my flexibility, but if you are going to run farther, you need time. So in that, running is very humbling. If you run some decent times at a marathon, you HAD to have put in hours of training.
5/21 – Worked today, which was super. Very tired when I go home, which sucked because it was the only sunny day in a long streak of rain. Take a nap. By the time I get up, its raining again. I am seeing now that opportunities in life need to be taken as soon as they happen. Don’t wait for anyone or anything.
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