14 April 2011


4/14/11 - Today I bonked. "Bonk"ing is most commonly used with sporting events, usually with some endurance component. I would think that the physiological reason behind it is that the body has run out of easy to access glycogen and must switch over to harder to access sources of energy. This can also happen in power lifting during the loading phase of a lift where an athlete loses focus/form and is not longer able to drive out of the lift.

But to the rest of the world bonking is waking up late for an important meeting, getting excited about an event only to find that you can't go to it, its regretting the late night binge you had, its staring at the TV when you know you should be doing living life instead of watching someone elses, its missing another workout because of some last minute meeting, its the flat tire you get, the remote control that was chewed up by the dogs, the leaking roof, the hurt back, or the stressful promotion you just got. Bonking is the world stopping you dead in your tracks with little to no warning. Its a sucker punch that takes all the wind out of you.

What bothers me about a lot of blogs (and a lot of people) is that they seem to be a public record of a terribly hard and arduous life. It's almost as if they are saying "Can you believe I am still alive and functioning after all of THIS!" This is not one of those blogs or one of those post. This is a post about commonality and the shared experience that we all have. I would like to think that as much as we think we are unique and special, we share an over whelming amount of emotions, fears, hopes, and experiences. This is recognizing that everyone bonks. And if everyone bonks, then its not that big a deal. If its not a big deal, then it is easy to move past. Moving on.

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