26 April 2011


4/26/11 - Had a great workout with my friend Peter. The TCC Underground Training Center was at least 80 degrees and wicked humid. Other people complain, I see opportunity. Did a whole bunch of random carries, some chinups, some throwing, pistol squats, partner pushups and a rocking push press/mountain climber or vsit for 5 rounds. On another note, if you see me, tell me to stop slacking and print out that damn poster!

Finally, I feel like this entire thing is supposed to hone my training and expose my weaknesses. I always thought this would be something like a weak quadricep or adductor or one of those other fancy muscle names. The reality is that my nutrition is sporadic at best and I spend zero time on recovery. I spend all my time destroying my body and no time repairing it. In line with recovery, I have started a daily meditation thought. I will spend 10 minutes every day meditating. Today's "meditation" was "I forgive myself and everyone around me." I noticed I was in a more positive mood with those around me.

4/22/11 - 4/25/11 - EASTER! Going home for me means one thing. Food. And lots of it. This is a good time to introduce my holiday policy. I think people freak out way too much about holiday eating. Lets assume 2 weeks of vacation a year and 14 days of holidays. Thats a total of 28 days a year. That leaves 337 days a year where you should be eating well. So to me, eating crazy for 8% of the year probably doesn't leave us with those unwanted pounds. Sometimes math helps. So for me, Easter was a vacation. I did, however, manage to get in a good 3 hour run/walk complete with some serious hill sprints.

4/21/11 - Eureka! I totally forgot I did a workout with the ladies in my group class. It was tough. Thanks Charlene and Tina for encouraging me.

Lots of hip opening for warm up
Switch when box jumper is done. 3 rounds.
Side to Side Lunges (?)
Jump over and back 18" box x 10

4/20/11 - Can't remember for the life of me. I am sure I ran though.

4/19/11 - Another missed opportunity. Seem to be a lot of those.

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