16 November 2010



5 xBench Press to 5 x Back Squat.  185/135, 185/185, 225/135 x 10, 185/135 x 10

20 x Knee Raise
:45 x Ice Skaters
5 x Chinups
10 x Ball Pushups on Knees
:30 x Kneeling Roll Out
6e x SL Dead @ 55#
:30 x Kneeling Roll Out
20 x Front Squat @ 55#

Jim F, 25:05, 3 rounds


10 x Back Sqt 135#(OH Sqt 16# SP Tony)
10 x KB Crush Pushup
100 x Jump Rope
10e x Windmill 24k (12k Tony)
20 x Full kneeling roll out (partial Tony)
6 x Towel Pullup

20' AMRAP.  Q x 2 + 100 JR.  Tony x 3 but over time

20 x Knee Raise
:45 x Ice Skaters
5 x Chinups
10 x Ball Pushups on Knees
:30 x Kneeling Roll Out
6e x SL Dead @ 55#
:30 x Kneeling Roll Out
20 x Front Squat @ 55#

Nellie C, 23:06, 2 rounds

30 x Back Squat @ 55# to 18"
20 x Tuck Jump
10 x Wall Ball @ 10# to 10feet
:30 x 45# Slosh Pipe Hold

Tejas M.  3 rounds in 12'.

09 November 2010


Q and Jake

SL Dead @ 135#, 10 each
Pistol Squat, :30 each leg
Bulgarian bag OH swings x 10
Bulgarian bag halos :30 each direction
Towel Pullups x 10 (throw two towels over a bar and grip each one for a pullup)
Dips :30
Knees to Elbows x 10
Split Jerk @ 135# :30

3 rounds.  Made it through two rounds and the 10 swings before i just broke down.

Then some burn by Q. 25%


Front Squat- 7x-135lbs
Atomic Sit up-14x-50lbs
Single-Arm Snatch-7x-50 lbs
Single leg DL-7x-135
Hand Stand Push ups-7x-BW

3 Rounds For Time: Scaled to 2 in 33:30

Nellie C: 2 rounds + Halos :30 each, 20:40.

SL Dead @ 55#, 10 each
Pistol Squat, :30 each leg
Bulgarian bag OH swings 15# x 10
Bulgarian bag halos :30 each direction
Rope Row x 20
Dips w assist x10
TRX Body Saw :30
Split Jerk @ 55# :30

Tejas M: Tabata :20/:10 x 8
9 Squats
8 MB Slams 12#
1 Situps

04 November 2010



Run 6 miles.  61 minutes


Move awkward stuff for 10 hours


20 x Rock Squats 53#
15 x KB Swing 32k
5 x Pullups
8 x Burpees
3 rounds

8 x Pullups
8 x Pushups
8 x Atomic Situp 45#
8 x Box Jumps 24"
8 x Ring Dips
8 x Push Pr 115# Strongman Log
36m Bear Crawl
2 rounds

10 e Tactical Lunge 16k
5 x Ball Slams 20#
10 x Pushups
10 e SA Swing 24k

Q: 36' Tony: 40'

Gregory D.  20:49

20 x Rock Squats 35#
15 x Sumo Squat 16k
15 x TRX Rope Row
8 x Burpees
2 Rounds

Debbie S.  16:50

20 x Rock Squats 12k
15 x Sumo Squat 12k
10 x TRX Rope Row
8 x Squat Thrust
8 x Dips on 12"
8 x Push Pr 30#
36m Bear Crawl
2 Rounds

Sid H.  14:40

20 x Rock Squat 35#
15 x Swings @ 28k
5 x Chinups
8 x Burpees
2 rounds

Charlie R.  10:45

15 x Swings @ 20k
10 e SL Step Down 12"
5 x Chinups
8 x Burpees
3 Rounds
8 x Chinups
8 x KB Crush Pushups
8 x Atomic Situp @ 45#
8 x Box Jumps @ 24"
8 x Dips on BB
8 x Push Pr with Strongman Log @75#
36m Bear Crawl
2 Rounds


Bill C, 2 + 20 Rows, 17:28

Pizza is SHITTY
20 Squats
20 Rope Rows
20 Sumo Squats 12k
20 Pushups on Knees
20 Situps

Fournier for Mayor!
3 e SL Burpee
12 x KB Dragon Flag
10 e Pistol Squat to Door
30 e MB Side throws @ 12#
6 e SL Deadlift @ 135#
20 e TRX Oblique Crunch

Q: 3 + 1 Flags, Tony: 3 + 6 SL Deads
Jake F: 2


Q. 17:35
10 Pullups
10 Ring Pushups
10 box jumps 24"
10 TGU with 16k (alternate hands each set so its 2 each arm at end)
4 rounds

10 x TRX Rope Row
10 x Pup on Ballx2/Knees
10 x Swings 24k
10 x Slams @ 20#
4 Rounds, 13:04

Peter D


1' Minute for all.  JR and Plank are negative scores.
-2 x Jump Rope
36.5m x Bear Crawl
18 x Burpees 
11 x Standing Press @ 95# 
26 x Pushups 
28 x Bent Over Row @ 95#
28 x Pistol Squats hold a solid object (door or something). Switch as needed.
25 x Situps
27 x Box Jumps @ 24" 
256m Run 
-2 x Plank for 3 minutes

-2 x Jump Rope
31m x Bear Crawl
15 x Burpees 
15 x Standing Press @ 95# 
39 x Pushups 
38 x Bent Over Row @ 95#
18 x Pistol Squats hold a solid object (door or something). Switch as needed.
27 x Situps
21 x Box Jumps @ 24" 
231m Run 
-2 x Plank for 3 minutes

10 e Ice Skaters
10 x Pushup on Ball/Knees
10 x Squat Thrust
10 e One Arm Row on BL
10 x Wall Ball 10#/10'
4 rounds, 18:18
3' Rest
100 Squat Thrust, 16:30

Bill C


Back Squat Work and swimming for 15 minutes


5 x Rock Clean and Jerk @ 35#
Rock Carry @ 53#, 40 meters
4 Rounds, 8:20, Wilson O

Tony, Burn for 50 minutes


52:43 total time. Stopped due to time for both people.


50 Hindu Squats
20 Hindu Push-ups
20 Box Jumps
10 Pull-up/Chin-ups
10 Dead Lifts
10 Cleans
20 Jumping Split Squats
10 Push-ups (each hand on a physioball and feet on a bench)
30 Kneeling Wheel Roll-outs
20 Hindu Push-ups
50 Hindu Squats
10 Hand Clean Squat
10 Side Plank 1 Arm Raise
10 Side Plank 1 Arm Raise (other side)
5 Wall Walk
10 Pull-up/Chin-ups
10 Dips
20 Thrusters
5 Pull-up/Chin-ups
20 Elbow Crunches (sit ups with a 1,2 elbow strike)
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Sit up Stand up Slam - Medicine ball
50 Hindu Squats
20 Kneeling Wheel Roll-outs
20 Back Extensions
25 Push-ups
25 Squat Walk
30 Elbow Crunches
20 Jumping Hindu Squats
20 Jumping Split Squats
10 Pull-up/Chin-ups
50 V-sit Twists
10 Dips

Q + 20 Box Jumps
10 Pull-up/Chin-ups
9 Clean Squats

1' Minute for all.  JR and Plank are negative scores.
-3 x Jump Rope
18m x Bear Crawl
7 x Burpees 
5 x Standing Press @ 95# 
8 x Pushups 
31 x Bent Over Row @ 95#
8 x Pistol Squats hold a solid object (door or something). Switch as needed.
11 x Situps
10 x Box Jumps @ 24" 
NO Run 
-5 x Plank for 3 minutes.

Peter D


5x KB Exchanging Press on Ball, 36k x 2 Q, 24k x 2 for Tony
5x Clean and Press @135#
5x Back Squat @ 185#
5x Bent Over Row 135# Q, 225# Tony

P1 works, P2 spots.  5 rounds.

Gregory D

Ropes Doubles :30
5 x Rack Squat 12k x 2
10 Pushups
20 Situps
30 Squats
2' Rest
3 rounds, 21:03